Monitoring and Evaluation

We help organizations assess and manage performance so the right improvements can be made, ensure that programs are effective, and prove money is being used and allocated correctly. A great deal of data is involved in monitoring and evaluation. Storing and organizing management data can be a major roadblock.

Furthermore, because most companies and government agencies have a great deal of programs in play at one time, software can help them grab all of their disparate information, store it in one place, and successfully track it. We use monitoring and evaluation software (on desktop application or in the cloud) to:

  • Track KPIs
  • Manage projects
  • Control reporting
  • Integrate data
  • Align programs to strategy
  • Create scorecards and dashboards
  • Obtain greater understanding of where the organization is and where it’s headed
  • Get assurance that dollars are being allocated correctly
  • Enhance accountability throughout the organization

Our team include experts with these skills, training and qualifications:

  • Social Science Research
  • Project design
  • Developing results frameworks
  • Performance management plans
  • Monitoring and evaluating programs
  • Management software and database
  • Grants or contracts management
  • Data analysis (quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, and cost-benefit analysis)
  • Communication skills
  • Contextual knowledge
  • Data collection through technology
  • Statistics software such as SPSS, STATA, and R
  • Master’s degrees in development fields, social science, economics
  • Project Management Professionals (PMP)
  • Specialized courses in USAID programming of foreign assistance, management, leadership, ethics, monitoring and evaluation and various specialized databases and computer programs