
Entrepreneurs Thrive in Post-Jammeh Gambia

On Saturday, Gambians head to the polls to vote for their president. Five years have passed since Adama Burrow, the outgoing leader, ended 22 years of dictatorship by defeating Yahya Jammeh in the polls. The democratic transition has been life-changing for entrepreneurs, and many who had left have now come back to take part in the post-Jammeh development. Sarah Sakho, Elimane Ndao and Emmanuelle Landais report.

It’s 1pm. Fatumata Njie and her team can finally get going with their “Made in the Gambia” tea production. But work at the small processing plant doesn’t come without obstacles.

“The power is back, we can start. We’ll work until 5 pm,” she says, beaming. The 29-year-old entrepreneur launched her business after returning to Gambia from Benin following Jammeh’s fall.

“I am happy! I can say that since I started, things are going in the right direction. Business is not stopping. People really appreciate what I do, and they enjoy drinking my teas, as well.”

Njie now employs about 20 young people.

“The dictatorship before was too much. You’d sit down and you’d hear that somebody was just arrested. Now you can go out freely, do what you want. Nobody bothers you.”

For Lamine Makalo, the company’s accountant, the business’s success is a blessing. “It really saved my life. In 2016 I was desperate, I wanted to emigrate at all costs. Thanks to the director and the growth of the company, I am doing well. Today I am proud to say that I am doing something for my country,” he says.

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Original Source: France24