Alhagi Bah

Alhagi Bah
Senior Partner
Alhagi Bah is a Chartered Certified Accountant by profession with many years of experience working with Delloite & Touch The Gambia, Standard Chartered Bank Gambia Ltd and the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education of the Gambia. During this period, he handled various senior management positions and performed corporate reporting, participated in sector wide policy and strategic formulation and development. As a Senior Finance professional, he also worked with various external audit firms on audit engagements and has established excellent working relationship with all of them. His engagement with the education sector of the Gambia exposed him to a wide range of the Donor Community and gave him a vast amount of experience in project management and project financial reporting. It has also put Alhagi in a position to collaborate and engaged with senior donor partners and participated in numerous donor reverse missions both internationally and nationally for project appraisal and evaluation.
As a solution provider, Alhagi is an advocate of team work. He has good intrapersonal capacity which manages to drive colleagues to adopt a participatory approach in problem solving. Alhagi’s management style is opened door policy approach.
He is certified by the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) of the United Kingdom. He also underwent numerous trainings in Project Management, disbursement and Financial Reporting under various donor policies